Information about DannyRP

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Important :

  1. To Advert Do /ad
  2. To Donate go on the top of the screen and open the Donate Tab
  3. Want to become Admin? Apply on the Forums


  1. Don't try to Prop Climb, Prop Kill, Prop Block or Prop Spam
  2. Do Not Harass Any player/staff
  3. Do not Threaten any admin or Player(Cause of this will be a permaban)
  4. Do not Hack/Cheat
  5. Do not Post Links/advertise in the chat unless we admins give an ok permission
  6. Do not RDM! (If any RDM is warm|then kick|Last a ban 1 day)
  7. Do not break NLR(NLR is 5 mins)(NLR applies to Raids/PD raids)
  8. Staff have the final word on punishments but if you been falsely punished|Show vid Proof and send it in Discord or post a YT into discord to an online admin or Owner
  9. Don't try to Crash the server or lag it
  10. Don't Rp in Spawn
  11. No Sexism, Racism, or any hate to the server
  12. No Spawning cameras to Look in bases
  13. No Toolgun Spamming
  14. Don't FailRP
  15. Any Staff dis or Player dis is a warn|Then a Kick|Then a ban for 6-12 hrs cause i don't need trash talkers in my server
  16. Admin abuse is never ALLOWED if any admin is Caught abusing or a video showing abuse in it It is a Demotion and a ban

Building Rules

  1. You may not have any Raidable When having a Building sing(Printers, Shipments, Guns)
  2. Don't Fading Door Abuse
  3. You may have at least 1 entrance
  4. You may only have a max of 5 fading doors
  5. You only have 1 base
  6. Crouch bases are allowed
  7. Don't put any troll bases such as trapping a player(Unless kidnap)
  8. At least every fading door has to have 1 keypad for both sides to enter and leave
  9. Someone bothering you while building. Do /ad Warn 1/2/3 and warn them 3 times and kill them.
  10. Put building and kos line means your base is raidable
  11. You may not have any types of printers when having a Building sign

Raiding Rules

  1. Binds are allowed
  2. After a raid, you have a 5-minute cooldown on raiding
  3. PD raid gives you a 10-minute cooldown
  4. Raid Timer is 15 mins
  5. You may only advert and start raids from outside of the target base
  6. You may not raid hobos. (if a hobo has a printer you may raid him/her)